2010年6月16日 星期三

開放近用資訊 期末

1. 試述知識公共化和知識近用的障礙。



因此資訊公共化要先克服幾個障礙,TA( Technical accessibility)、BA( Bibliographic accessibility)、OA( Object accessibility)和IA( Intellectual accessibility)。其中,前三項和經濟資本有關,最後一項和教育有關。能讀得懂,會使用科技,就是現代人基本資訊素養教育,是知識近用不可或缺的環結。





開放目錄專案(open directory project)是由網景所主持的一項大型公共網頁目錄,由來自世界各地的自願者所建設和維護。以下是ODP所說明的的社會契約:
1. The Open Directory Will Remain 100% Free (開放目錄保持免費):

We promise to keep the distribution of ODP data, and the submission process to this data, entirely free. We will support our data users who choose to add proprietary and revenue generating content, and other non-free value-added functionality upon versions of the ODP in which they download. In turn, data users agree to attribute use back to us per the free use license.

2. Give Back to the Web Community (回饋給Web社群)

We license our content as free with attribution back to the ODP. We will make the most comprehensive, user-friendly directory possible, so the content and taxonomy will be widely used and distributed. We will do our best to list web sites in a fair and impartial manner, and consider all user requests and suggestions for improvement.

3. Don't Hide Official Editorial Policies (不隱藏官方政策)

We will keep all official ODP editorial guidelines and policies open for public view at all times.

4. Provide an Open invitation to join (提供公開邀請加入)

We extend an open invitation to the general public to join to the ODP. Our community is a diverse group of subject experts and web aficionados. Our categories attempt to express the depth and breadth of human knowledge. We accept editors from all walks of life, and we attempt to represent all points of view. We will keep our application process open to anyone interested in joining. Each new editor application will be reviewed by a member of the ODP community.

5. Encourage a Self-Regulating Community (鼓勵自我管理社群)

We foster a self-regulating community governed by community-driven standards. We encourage the community to regulate itself, and to provide the checks and balances needed to ensure that its members follow mutually accepted codes of conduct and editorial standards. We depend on the honesty and integrity of the volunteer editors to ensure the directory is high quality, user-friendly, and free of abuse.

6. Priorities are Data Users and the Community(數據用戶和社群優先)

We will be guided by the needs of our data users and the ODP editorial community. We will place their interests first in our priorities. We allow others to create value-added distributions containing ODP data and data from other commercial and noncommercial sources, subject to the terms of the free use license, without any fee from us.

7.Uers Not Meeting The Free Use License(不符合用戶免費使用許可)

In order for the ODP to continue to flourish as a free and open resource, it is critical that our users comply with our free use license. We do not permit unattributed use of our data, and will request data users to place the attribution on their site or remove the data entirely if they wish not to comply. We consider unattributed use a legal infringement of the free use license, and contrary to the ODP's purpose as an Open Source inspired initiative.
